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Home Reviews
Reviews for products and services related to dabs. Including our comprehensive vape pen guide.
Trendi cartridges have good taste, last a decent amount of time, and are more than adequately strong.
Trifecta Relax cartridge delivers a smooth and light experience. Tasteful in hits and good hardware quality, these cartridges deliver light effects.
Announcing Dab Connection's 2020 Holiday Gift Guide! Everything for the stoner on your list from Green Wednesday to Christmas Eve!
Live Resin Project has a mild recommendation from our side for its relative potency and value. It lacks some taste.
Tumbleweed Extracts is a great and affordable house-brand of The Dispensary In Las Vegas, but you can only find it in Nevada.
We examine the counterfeit knock-offs of Tree Base Klear, a distinctive brand which boof plugs should know better than to try to fake. But they do, badly.
Terp Hogz offers two strains that have quality, taste, strength, and smoothness. Larry Zlushi is a bit too expensive but Zmoothie is almost perfect.
Here we review the Tuatron Pitron vape battery. For a cheaper stick battery, it's good.
Tonix Concentrates is a black market brand which remains highly secretive. What's in plain view is their lack of licensing, regulation, or business sense.
It's about time our corporations spoke up to protect their trademark against infringing black market vape cart brands! NOW!
We review The 55 by Aether Gardens, in both disposable pen and cartridge form. These vape products give you a topped-off fill at great strength.
The TOQi 510 uses a USB-C cable to charger, one of the first batteries we've seen with this feature and one of many innovations.
Steer clear of the fake carts with our top ten list of most common fake THC vape cartridges you'll encounter on the street, going by the source.
We review Tsaa Nesunkwa dispensary in Ely, Nevada. For a lonely desert town where they're the only dispensary, they're much better than you'd expect.
The most highly recommended dispensaries in San Jose, ranked with customer feedback, reviews, recommendations, and good word of mouth.
Here we review the Tumbleweed Extracts disposable vape pens. It earned a spot to our Best Cartridges of Nevada. Read more to know why it earned that spot.
Review of the Transpring cartridge and vape battery. This vape pen kit performed well and delivers on taste.
We try to sort the truth from the lies regarding Dank vapes, and close with a highly specualative guess at what's going on.