Home Culture
Learn the straight dope about cannabis use and employee drug screening. We may be headed for trouble if this doesn't change.
What stinks in here? It must be spam from another online vape cart scammer site! Come on, let's beat 'em up!
Just a few of the latest cannabis testing laboratories getting shut down for falsifying results - you have no idea how many there are!
The jury is still out on the health effects of some vaping additives - and it may stay out for quite some time!
This best delta 8 list will give you guidance as to which Delta 8 brand/cartridge provides the best value.
How much weed is an eighth, how many grams in an ounce, how much MG of THC in a vape cartridge, and more in our handy guide!
Since Oregon decriminalized all drugs and cannabis is legalized in 1/3rd of the US, the question is raised: Which drug is next to go legal?
Announcing Dab Connection's 2020 Holiday Gift Guide! Everything for the stoner on your list from Green Wednesday to Christmas Eve!
Exploring the latest in boof cart packaging across multiple sites. Spot the fake carts before they get to you!
We examine a case study of a controversial cannabis company, Ignite Cannabis Co., and its extremely flamboyant founder, plus every(?) crazy story about him.
A full report card on marijuana legalization on the US ballot in 2020 - which ballots survive, which are thwarted, and can Mitch McConnell kindly get lost?
Kushstock festival may be on for Adelanto California Halloween 2020. Practice safety hygiene and show everybody the cannabis community can be responsible.
All these black market THC vapes are coming from China, but what does that mean in context? Join us on the trail of a fake vape from China to your palm!
Moxie is a mature and respected cannabis extract company, so you should be very suspicious when your street plug offers you cheap Moxies. They're fake!
An overview of the weedrave, underground sesh, and weed pop-up scene. Not as legit as a licensed dispensary, but they're better than nothing.
Have you ever seen an anti-marijuana propaganda billboard and wondered who paid to put that up? We wonder too, and what we found is sometimes shocking!
The inevitable counterfeits of the premium Friendly Farms brand have hit the streets. Friendly farms is proactive in heading them off.
We examine the alarming number of black market butane honey oil labs going up in explosions and fires. Butane is not safe for amateurs to handle.