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So, California legalized weed. Hooray! Now, everyone's chillin', right? Well, not exactly. Turns out, there's a new kind of panic sweeping the Golden State: the "Oh My God, Did My Kid Just Eat That?" panic. Yep, calls to poison control...
Dear legalized drugs industry: You can't fit a psychedelics market into a cannabis template. Be aware of the differences in these markets.
Greetings, my cosmic blueberries! This post is aimed to be a short, concise guide to the wide world of alternative cannabinoids. You see the alphabet soup of alt-cans at cannabis dispensaries, marijuana retailers, vape shops, and just about at every...
Check out our review on the Pure Vibe vape pen. It has quality, strong oil and a unique piece of hardware that has a carb built-in.
Puffco is facing a lawsuit for their Puffco Peak vaporizer. The main reason for this is the defective atomizers. The case mentions they break easily. But there is also the issue of batteries not holding a charge or not charging at all. Atomizers are not covered by their warranty.
There's a green line and the United States stands before it, wondering if they should step across. To be more precise, 41 states stand before it while 9 that have already crossed stare back. The pros and cons of...