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These Rare Weed Strains Are a Treasure If You Find One Weed Strains: Where has all the good weed gone? This is a question often asked by frequent users who have built up a resistance to the more readily available...
Marijuana may be the most common illegal substance in the US, and recent years reflect a broader acceptance of the drug across the board. Jeff Sessions, however, has a different idea for the future of marijuana in this country....
There's a green line and the United States stands before it, wondering if they should step across. To be more precise, 41 states stand before it while 9 that have already crossed stare back. The pros and cons of...
1. Money Weed is expensive.  If you’re paying between 150 and 350 for herb, imagine cutting that expense out of your life.  Sure there are some start up costs involved, but many people can make those back on their first grow! 2....
What could be better than winning a game for the team then relaxing afterwards with a big fat bowl of weed? "Not much" is what some athletes would say. Professional sports in the United States do not allow the use...
Brace yourselves people… Sean Spicer said today that there may be increased federal enforcement on recreational marijuana. During the daily White House press briefing, a reporter from Arkansas got the first public marijuana comment out of the Trump administration. Sean...
The DANGERS of Making Your Own BHO Wax There is a lot of misleading information on making BHO wax floating around online. The advice “just don’t smoke while you do it” does not cut it here. This is enormously dangerous...
What is BHO? One of the most interesting developments in the weed industry has been the growth of hash oil. This powerful form of marijuana delivers quite a punch, without the unnecessary (and unhealthy) combustion of plant material. BHO wax is...
As marijuana continues to gain acceptance from state to state, it still meets resistance from federal classification. New research is beginning to question the validity of FDA claims. The social acceptance of marijuana has lead directly to a number of...
The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has just removed inaccurate information about the dangers of weed from its website. Woohoo! This adjustment comes after months of legal pressure from the Americans for Safe Access, a marijuana policy advocacy group. They claim...
Did You Know Cannabis Could Be Good for Asthma? Cannabis and Asthma: Inhaling small particulates is bad for your lungs. It’s one of the many reasons Beijing banned some cars from driving before the Olympics. Athletes don’t perform well with...
To ingest or not to ingest; that is the question. Whether you do or not, marijuana edibles are here to stay. When it comes to experimenting with weed, there are some pretty big differences between inhaling and eating. Your choice ultimately depends...
Jobs are popping up all over the United States. There's one waiting for you as long as you don't mind working in the marijuana industry. An abundance of legalization efforts across the country have created thousands of new marijuana...
We have red states and blue states which isn't anything new. Now we have green states too and I bet you're wondering if yours intends to join them. That's green as in ganja and half of the United States...
Snail mail. That's what we now call it but there was a time when that wasn't so. Going back, way back even before the rotary dial phone that hung on my grandmother's kitchen wall. In fact origins of the...
The Rohrabacher-Farr amendment is perhaps the most significant existing federal protection order for medical marijuana patients and others abiding by state medical cannabis laws.  With the nomination of Senator Jeff Sessions to be the next Attorney General, the Rohrabacher-Farr...
The confirmation of Senator Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III (Jeff Sessions) as attorney general has Americans asking questions about the future of marijuana. Yes, the same industry that brought in $6.7 billion in legal sales to North America over the course...
Vaping History: Going Way Back In Time You're not even close. You probably thought vaping was invented by hippies in the 60s, but really, you're not even close, not even by thousands of years. Vaporizing or vaping has been in existence...