Kandypens and Dr Dabber are two vape pen companies that have been around for a while. Previously Kandypens has had issues with glue on their atomizers but this has since been fixed with the Kandypens Prism and Prism+. Dr Dabber has had their own poor product history with the old Dr Dabber Boost containing Teflon. Both companies have fixed these issues though which is great news. This Kandypens vs Dr Dabber match up is close.
Kandypens vs Dr Dabber – KP Slightly Better on Coilless
The recent Kandypens Prism is an improvement as its the first Kandypens vape pen that we have seen without glue. Now they are removing glue from all vape pens which is a great development. The Kandypens Gravity and Galaxy both had glue in them in the past. Now this is being fixed.

Dr Dabber Aura coiled atomizers are on par with Kandypens Prism and Prism+. Both seem to be titanium alloys and no testing as to purity is available. Dr Dabber Aurora and the Prism/Prism+’s differ on coilless atomizers. Dr Dabber still uses the very 2015 ceramic disc in a quartz cup that was first in the old version of the SOURCE orb 3. If you really like that Aurora style, the get the orb 3 for $50. There might be coupons to even make it cheaper.
Build Quality – Both Are Very Basic
Kandypens and Dr Dabber both come with standard batteries. You are paying a lot more for a battery that is on par with what you buy in an ecig kit at a gas station. For build quality, its a tie, and Kandypens has a bit nicer feel to it.

Kandypens vs Dr Dabber: KP Wins But Both Nothing Special
When it comes to Kandypens vs Dr Dabber – neither is really that great. Kandypens has a bad track record. Dr Dabber is very China feeling. If you are looking for a simple, easy pen, see our Puffco Plus review. If you want strong hits from a quality coiled atomizer, check out our Omicron v5 review. Either of these is better than any pen from Kandypens or Dr Dabber.