Heavy Hitters and Alpine Vapor are two of the most popular THC oil cartridge brands out today. We already have in depth reviews of Heavy Hitters and Alpine Vapor cartridges individually. Here these prefill vape carts go head to head.
Heavy Hitters vs Alpine Vapor – HH Takes The Win
Heavy Hitters vape cartridge overall score: 9.3

Alpine Vapor vape cartridge overall score: 5.7

Heavy Hitters Is For Hard Hits, Some Might Want Alpine Vapor
Most of our readers are looking for the strongest hit without pesticides. Heavy Hitters takes the cake and beats Alpine Vapor in every other category. Users looking for something not as strong still might want to go with Alpine. However, they use old technology on the carts. For maximum strength see what we named the strongest THC oil cartridge of 2018.
UPDATE 9/11/2019: DISCLAIMER: In light of more recent news, it has become apparent that black market cartridges, counterfeit cartridges, and fake brands of cartridges have become more widespread than we had ever realized. We urge readers to apply their own discretion, and caution that at no point should readers assume that a review of a cartridge on our site is a guarantee of its safety. We advise readers to always verify their cartridges as coming from a legitimate source.