Kandypens Galaxy “56 Nights” DJ Esco Edition Review

Kandypens DJ Esco 56 Nights
DJ Esco might not like the glue in the Kandypens DJ Esco 56 nights
Design & Quality
Ease of Use
Versatility / Atomizer Options

KandyPens Galaxy DJ Esco 56 Nights: One Night is Enough

Kandypens launched their first “Signature Series” collaboration with hip hop product DJ Esco with Kandypens Galaxy “56 Nights” DJ Esco Edition. Does this $150 limited edition vape pen deliver more than its popular model, or do you pay more for the name DJ Esco? Is it worth it to get the Kandypens DJ Esco or should you skip this vape?

UPDATE May 10, 2019: Kandypens has claimed they will be removing glue from all atomizers, so this review may be dated.

Design & Quality

The Kandypens Galaxy “56 Nights” DJ Esco Edition is a special edition collaboration of Kandypens’ well known Galaxy vaporizer with hip hop producer DJ Esco. DJ Esco is best known for producing some of Future’s best hits like “Too Much Sauce.” 56 Nights is the name of his Mixtape with Future, based on the 56 nights he spent in jail in Dubai in 2015 for possession of marijuana.


The pen’s design is a glossy black with a gold mouthpiece, and the 56 Nights logo on the bottom of the battery. It has the same 650mah battery with 3 settings as the regular Kandypens Galaxy, compared to 4 with Kandypens Elite. It’s also the same size at 14mm wide. It’s basically the Andromeda of the Kandypens Galaxy with the 56 on the bottom.


The Kandypens Galaxy DJ Esco Edition comes with two double coil quartz atomizers. The quartz chamber has 4 raised airflow holes near the top of the cup, to prevent from wax of leaking out when the chamber is full. There are two 1mm air vents on each the side of the vent.

After finding glue in the Kandypens Elite and admitting their original advertising of “No Wicks, Glues, or Dyes” was false and changing it, would the Kandypens DJ Esco Galaxy have glue?


Both of the atomizers have the same disgusting epoxy glue from the Kandypens Elite. It’s underneath the quartz cup and closes the holes the coils pass though to connect to the battery. The glue also completely envelops the coils, which means hot coils touch the glue when in use.

Kandypens glue
The atomizer cup is flipped upside down. You can see the glue.

The coil is also the same cheap coil from their other models they call “Titanium” and gives off that “vape pen” smell everyone hates. We wouldn’t trust their word on it being real Titanium until they show some legitimate tests after finding glue.

Ease of Use

The Kandypens Galaxy DJ Esco Edition is the same model and use of their other vape pens. Turn it on by pressing 5 times, press 3 times to cycle through the 3 heat settings, power up, inhale, and exhale. It is very easy to use.


Kandypens designs their vape pens to give users huge coughing hits. The “titanium” coils light up red-hot fast, which burns the wax and gives you a big cloud. This results in very strong hits, but it does ruin flavor.


The double coils’ rods are close together very low in the chamber, which makes it less likely you’ll miss.  If you lower your material right on the coils, you won’t lose material. The glue also helps efficiency. I wish there was not glue, but it does work at preventing leaks.

Versatility / Atomizer Options

While the Kandypens Galaxy DJ Esco only comes with quartz double coil atomizers, it’s eGo-510 threaded (not 510 threaded like they say on their website) so you can also use coil-less Donuts, coil-less Gravity/Elite, and the quartz double coil Galaxy Tornado with variable airflow. Not being able to use a mod battery with an adapter on the same attachment also counts against it on versatility.


The DJ Esco version of the Kandypens Galaxy is just as portable as the original and the Kandypens Elite. The included 56 Nights travel case makes it easier to toss in your bag and go. It’s compact and will fit easily in your pocket.


The portability and size of the Kandypens Galaxy 56 Nights makes it perfect for discreet hits. However, their built-in K with a light at the bottom makes it horrible to use discreetly, specially at night. The light, which is sure to draw attention, is very bright and cannot be turned off.


Taste is not what this vape pen was designed for as can be seen from the cheap coil metal and the glue underneath. The coils get so hot that they just burn your wax. The cheap coil leaves users with a “vape pen taste.”

We don’t know if the glue melts during use and adds to the bad taste, but after a lot of use, we got a slight headache, similar to other cheap quality vapes.


The Kandypens Galaxy “56 Nights” DJ Esco Edition includes 2 double coil atomizers, 1 small dabber, a charger, and a limited edition case. Kandypens also offers a very rare Lifetime Warranty on the battery. You’re guaranteed a working battery no matter what. Problem is that battery is a generic 3-voltage 650mah battery you can buy for around $5 (probably can find it with a free CE4 included!).

At $149.95, there’s no way to justify price. Even with the 20% off coupons floating around the Internet it is not a good deal. Let’s also not forget that both of the atomizers have glue underneath touching hot coils. DJ Esco diehard fans look elsewhere else because you might not be fans after using this.

This is not a good deal compared to the regular black Kandypens Galaxy. This model is basically the same thing with an extra atomizer with a 56 logo and case.

You pay $50 more for another $20 atomizer.

It has since gone on sale for 50% off (go figure it didn’t sell), but you’re still paying $75 for a battery and atomizers with glue.


Replacements are almost $20 a pop, plus $10 shipping minimum. You can use coupons if you want, but you’re still paying over $20 for a cheap “mystery” coil with glue underneath.

Overall Evaluation of the Kandypens DJ Esco Vaporizer

After making false statements of not having glue, the Kandypens Galaxy DJ Esco Edition charges almost $150 for 2 atomizers with cheap coils and glue. Use the coupon and it does not change the fact you are getting a $5 battery with cheap quality. The flavor delivery was awful. The efficiency where it does score high is due to glue. I would not recommend this vape. Check out our Puffco Plus review for a higher quality coilless atomizer option. See our Omicron v5 review for a higher end coiled atomizer with Grade 2 titanium coils, and no glue.

Update July 23, 2017: We reached out to DJ Esco’s management by email asking if he still endorsed the Kandypens product after it had been found to contain glue. They did not respond.

Update December 5, 2017: We did a KandyPens Galaxy vs. Prism comparison n a recent post with this vape pen. The Prism is a substantial improvement for KandyPens and does not containe glue.



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