Select Elite and Brass Knuckles are two of the top most popular vape cartridge brands out there. We’ve reviewed both Select Elite and Brass Knuckles many times here. Brass Knuckles has had tested dirty before, while Select Elite has been a consistently good product.
There now are both fake Brass Knuckles and fake Select Elite cartridges, so check our pages to make sure you have an authentic product. Below is our video comparison of Select Elite vs. Brass Knuckles. Then keep reading on for the in-depth analysis.
Select Elite is fire, Brass Knuckles is mids
First, the Brass Knuckles hardware died. I ended up dumping the oil into a CCELL later. Brass Knuckles has had issues with their outdated hardware in the past, which puts them at a disadvantage.
Select Elite is in a class by itself. The worst puff we’ve had off a Select Elite still beats Brass Knuckles on its best day.
The only metric where Brass Knuckles comes out ahead is taste. They do know how to make good flavor oil and their terpene game is strong. Select Elite comes out ahead in every other category: Strength, effect, value, and hardware performance.

Brass Knuckles needs a new hardware design
It’s obvious to see where Brass Knuckles keeps getting knocked back. When we compared best and worst vape cartridge designs, Select Elite used hardware ranked high and Brass Knuckles is one of the worst. Brass Knuckles’ coiled atomizers leave a metallic taste, their hardware has a high failure rate, and they just have an outdated design.
CCELL’s first generation cartridge was not good either, but CCELL updated their hardware and it’s now one of the best types of hardware available.

Conclusion: Select Elite wins
Even if they both had evenly matched hardware, we get more puffs and higher quality oil off the Select Elite. Select Elite carts provide better and longer-lasting effects. But it would be nice to see Brass Knuckles improve their carts and make something stronger.
Comments or experiences with either Select Elite or Brass Knuckles? We’d love to hear about it in the comments below or our forum.