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The basics on spotting fake TKO cartridges. Almost all of them are fake.
A rundown on the services provided by CEDR HR Solutions, based in Tuscon, Arizona.
A rundowon on Cart Toon Cartridges, an unregulated THC vape cart brand.
A rundowon on Chronopoly carts. We take a look at the brand that really is nothing more than packaging.
A rundown on fake Rove cartridges and how to avoid them.
Here is a rundown on Mammoth Microbes, a Colorado based company that helps with plant growth.
The Alternate Vape hemp oil cartridge is a great product. Not only is it effective for pain relief, it's delicious.
Select Elite Weekender is expensive and airflow is a little bit restricted, but the oil quality is excellent and the effects are very strong.
The cannabis industry is fast growing. As the market booms and more states approve of its use, businesses emerge to find their place within this thriving community. Jobs are created. A lot of jobs. With more economic expansion on...
Review of the NUG vape cartridge by Bloom Industries. Great tasting, affordable, but not super strong.
Binske is one of the most expensive carts we have tried. Check out our complete review on their THC oil vape cartridge.
Review of a THC vape cartridge by Creco Labs. This one turned out to be strong, but lacking flavor.
Here we review the Brass Knuckles SFV OG cartridge. This proved to be a strong, flavorful vape cart.
Smart Cart is an authentic company with legit lab result tests. After picking up one of these cartridges, we noticed it was a fake Smart Cart. Moments after trying it ourselves, we did not like it one bit. Because it was inauthentic, we despised it so much to the point we had to dispose of it.
An in depth review of the CCELL Dart vape pod system. See how it stacks up against other pod systems and regular cartridges.
Korova is more known for its edibles than it's prefilled THC vape cartridges, but that might be changing soon. The Korova cartridge turned out to be top notch.
Atlas Extracts began in 2017 and produces a small range of CO2 oil vape cartridges. Their extracts make use of full plant extraction techniques which provide a full and natural flavor without the need to add back in extracted...
Our Flav cartridge review revealed a great tasting THC oil vape cart, but it just did not have effects that lasted.