Home THC Oil Pen Vape Cartridge Tests: Pesticides and Strength

THC Oil Pen Vape Cartridge Tests: Pesticides and Strength

THC Oil Vape Pen Cartridge Test Database

The following data and information show the test results of brands of prefilled vape pen cartridges also known as oil pens. Pesticides are a constant issue in these cartridges and strength is often incorrectly claimed. These tests are both for pesticides and residual solvents. Please note that the results are those taken at the date listed on the test. Testing is becoming mandatory in more states so in the future many of these same vapes may be clean or already be clean now.

Much thanks to @dat_dude41510, @dankbustersofficial (deleted account), @dabpengod2, and @thedojaapp on Instagram for allowing us to use their test results and starting awareness about this. We are including other test results as they become available. Cartridges’ results will be in alphabetical order by brand name. The FAIL indicates a fail on pesticides. Strength was also tested, but that can vary slightly test to test, so we did not put a FAIL if only strength was off. The cartridges tested are from California. A full list of cartridges that tested clean from this list is listed at the bottom of this page. We have recently partnered with cannabis lab consultants Digamma Consulting to provide more tests and should have these results up soon.

Click thumbnails to view the full image.

Index to 70 results:

  1. 710 King Pen Pesticides Test – FAIL
  2. Alpine Vapor Pesticides Test – FAIL
  3. Apex Labs Pesticides Test – FAIL
  4. Bloom Farms Vape Pesticides Test – PASS
  5. Bloom Vape (Bloom Brands) Pesticides Test – PASS Currently, Previous FAIL
  6. Brass Knuckles Pesticides Test – Current PASS, Previous FAIL
  7. CaliCarts Pesticides Test – FAIL
  8. California Dab Company Pesticides and Residual Solvents Test – FAIL
  9. Cap’n Crunch Pesticides and Heavy Metal Test – FAIL
  10. Cereal Carts Pesticides and Strength Test – FAIL
  11. Dank Vapes Jack Herer Pesticides and Strength Test – FAIL, Additional Result For Hardcore OG – FAIL
  12. Dank Vapes Pesticides and Strength Test – FAIL
  13. Dank Vapes Pesticides and Strength Test – PASS
  14. Dark Hawk Pesticides and Strength Test – FAIL
  15. Delta 9 Pesticides and Residual Solvents Test – previous FAIL / Deltamax 2.0 PASS
  16. DynaPuff Pesticides Test – FAIL
  17. Eden Extracts Carts Pesticides Test – PASS
  18. Exotic Carts Pesticides Test – FAIL, Additional Result FAIL
  19. Flavorz Pesticide Test – FAIL
  20. FlavRx Pesticides Test – FAIL, Additional Result FAIL
  21. Flight Farms Pesticides Test – Pass
  22. Friendly Farms Residual Solvent Test – PASS
  23. Heavy Hitters Pesticides Test – FAIL, Additional Result PASS
  24. Heliosphere Solutions Heavy Metal Test – PASS
  25. Himalaya Pesticides Test – Pass
  26. Himalaya Rattlesnake Diesel Pesticides Test- Pass
  27. Honey Cut Pesticides Test- PASS
  28. HoneyVape Pesticides Test – Pass
  29. Hitone Pesticides Test – FAIL
  30. Ignite Sunset Sherbet Cartridge Pesticides Test – PASS
  31. Interstate 710 Pesticides Test – PASS
  32. Jetty Extracts Pesticides Test – PASS
  33. Kingpen Pesticides and Heavy Metal Test – Current FAIL, Previous PASS
  34. Korova Super Silver Haze – PASS
  35. Kurvana Vape Pesticides Test – Current FAIL, Previous PASS
  36. LA Kush Pesticides Test – Previous PASS, Recently FAIL
  37. Lion Extracts Pesticides Test – FAIL
  38. Mario Carts Pesticides Test – Previous FAIL, Additional Result FAIL
  39. Mimosa Exotic Carts Pesticides Test – FAIL
  40. MKX Sunset Sherbet Cart Pesticides Test- FAIL
  41. Moxie Pesticides Test – FAIL
  42. NUJ Premium Jack – PASS
  43. OCPharms Pesticide Test – FAIL
  44. Platinum Vape Pesticides Test – Fail Currently, Previous Fail
  45. Plug and Play Vape Pesticide Test – Pass
  46. PMO (Pure Michigan Oil) Pesticides Test – FAIL
  47. Pop Carts Pesticides Test – FAIL
  48. Potters Cannabis Co Pesticide Test – PASS
  49. Private Reserve Pesticides Test – FAIL
  50. Raw Garden Dosi Punch x Clementine Cartridge – PASS
  51. Raw Garden Lime Mojito Pesticide Test – PASS
  52. Red Dragon Extracts Pesticides Test – FAIL
  53. Rove Vape Pesticide Test – PASS
  54. Savage Sticks Pesticides Test – FAIL
  55. Select Oil Pesticides Test- PASS
  56. Solace Pesticides Test- FAIL
  57. Space Vape Test – PASS
  58. Stiiizy Pesticides Test – Previous PASS, Now FAIL For Benzene
  59. Suicide Girls Pesticides Test – FAIL
  60. Supernova Pesticides and Heavy Metal Test – Current PASS, Previous PASS
  61. Supreme G Extracts Lab Test – Current PASS, Previous FAIL
  62. Supreme G Extracts Lab Test – Current PASS, Previous PASS
  63. Supreme Hybrid Pesticides Test – FAIL
  64. THClear Vape Pesticides Test – FAIL
  65. The Clear Pesticides and Residual Solvents Test – PASS
  66. The House Brand Pesticides Test – FAIL
  67. Treebase Klear Pesticides Test – FAIL
  68. VVS Vape Pen Pesticides Test – FAIL
  69. Waky Willy Pesticide Test – FAIL
  70. WVapes Pesticides Test – FAIL

710 King Pen Pesticides Test – FAIL

710 king pen pesticides
Close up of the 710 King Pen test results

710 King Pen fails the test for pesticides. See our full 710 King Pen review.

Alpine Vapor Pesticides Test – FAIL

Alpine vapor pesticides
Alpine fails test for pesticides. Close up of the results.

Below is the full sheet of results for Alpine Vapor showing strength tested as well. You will see it comes in pretty weak at 33% THC. This is the Skywalker OG cartridge.

alpine vapor pesticides
AkAlpine Vapor is pretty weak and also dirty.

Alpine Vapor has been in the game a long time, we expected better. See our full Alpine Vapor review.

Apex Labs Pesticides Test – FAIL

Here we have the lab result for Apex Labs – Tangie Sativa cartridge. Beware of this cartridge because this is one of the dirtiest that is out there. The result shows positive for 9 pesticides over the legal CA limit. Check more here.

Apex Labs result for pesticide

apex labs resultBloom Farms Vape Pesticides Test – PASS

Bloom farms test on 12/05/2017 came up clean. See below.

bloom farms another pesticides test
Bloom Farms vape is clean.

Bloom Vape (Bloom Brands) Pesticides Test – PASS Currently, Previous FAIL 

Bloom came out with a new test published on the back of their cartridge. Passed for pesticides. See below.

bloom brands pesticides and strength test
Coming in clean, yay!

It is good to see things are turning around for Bloom Brands, but we do keep a record of previous tests, as shown below.

bloom pesticides
Bloom is riding dirty.

Glad they came through clean recently.The oil came up dirty for pesticides in this test on 12/20/2017. At least it is pretty strong. Bloom Brands is not to be confused with Bloom Farms below, which tested clean.

Brass Knuckles Pesticides Test – Current PASS, Previous FAIL

Brass Knuckles has had their vape oil tested two times since and have passed. SC Labs is being sued in the Brass Knuckles lawsuit. Currently, Brass Knuckles has switched testing providers and that information is shown below. There are other tests as well, but they passed too, so we are showing one for simplicity.

Brass Knuckles cart in Strawberry Cough

Current Passing Test

Brass Knuckles pesticides test
Comes out clean, page 1.
Brass Knuckles pesticides test
Comes out clean, page 2.

Previous Failing Test

brass knuckles pesticides
Previous test was a fail.


Brass Knuckles vapes have been exposed for pesticides before, but now it is passing which is great! They taste good and deliver good strength. Check out our Brass Knuckles review for more info.

CaliCarts Pesticides Test – FAIL

A warning to anyone planning to get this black market cartridge. This CaliCarts tested positive for 19 pesticides. It also tested positive for Lead and Mercury but within CA legal limits. Just don’t risk your health on this one.

CaliCarts Pesticides Test

And here’s the alarming lab result.

CaliCarts Pesticides TestCalifornia Dab Company Pesticides and Residual Solvents Test – FAIL

California Dab Company’s Cannabis Infused Vape Cartridge – Sour Apple will do good with its 67.5% strength. Unfortunately, we all have to be wary specially if we still have to know whether the company is licensed or not.

california dab company sour apple cannabis infused vape cartridge
California Dab Company – Sour Apple Cannabis Infused Vape Cartridge

Below test result shows 67.5% THC content.

california dab company cannabis infused vape cartridge sour apple
In terms of strength, 67.5% is considered okay.

Tested positive to contain 7 CAT 1&2 pesticide, would you still sesh on it?

california dab company cannabis infused vape cartridge
Test result shows pesticide contents.

Cap’n Crunch Pesticide and Heavy Metal Test – FAIL

We have here a lab test result from BelCosta Labs for the Cap’n Crunch – Blueberry Pancake Crunch. This one failed the Pesticides test.
Cap'n Crunch Lab Result

Cereal Carts Pesticides and Strength Test – FAIL

Cereal Carts have provided official lab results with images of the actual cartridge, Honey Nut Cheerios.

cereal carts lab results
Shown above, Cereal Carts has failed the pesticide test. Containing 5 different types of pesticide and a low of 68% THC

Dank Vapes Jack Herer Pesticides and Strength Test – FAIL, Additional Result For Hardcore OG – FAIL

Again we’ve looked into test results of Dank Vapes and we have the new packaging shown below. As the test showed below, it came out dirty and was tested positive for 1 pesticide over the CA legal limit.

Dank Vapes Jack Herer Test Result
Dank Vapes Jack Herer Packaging

Keep in mind that there is no ‘real’ Dank vape company. Anyone can buy this packaging online and fill it themselves.

Dank Vapes pesticides and strength test
Certificate of Analysis for Dank Vapes

Dank Vapes Pesticides and strength test
Dank Vapes tested positive for Fenhexamid as shown

It also tested positive for LEAD but within the CA legal limit. FENHEXAMID – is a synthetic floral fungicide that is used to control plant pathogens. Fenhexamid exposure is detrimental to respiratory systems, digestive tract, muscular system, and the central nervous system. This synthetic fungicide may also induce severe eye and skin irritations.

Update: Below we have another lab result for the Dank Vapes Hardcore OG. This one also failed the test for pesticides, showing 11 pesticides that are outside the CA legal limit. Check for yourself:

Dank Vapes Hardcore OG lab result

Dank Vapes Hardcore OG lab resultDank Vapes Pesticides and Strength Test – FAIL

Dank Vapes pesticides result is finally out however it should be stated that there aren’t any pictures to show the actual item. Only direct lab results are shown below.

dank vapes pesticides psi labs
Dank tested positive in at least 5 types of pesticides. Bad news for Dank lovers out there.

The Dank Vapes strength test is shown below.

dank vapes strength test 70%
Dank Vapes strength test result is 70%.

The results shown above came from PSI Labs through Permafrostlabs. Although it should be noted that no pictures of the actual items tested were shown. There’s a big chance they tested a fake Dank cartridge as they are made available everywhere. It’s really hard for us to verify this test yet.

Dank Vapes Pesticides and Strength Test – PASS

So I went straight ahead to PSI Labs and here’s the result from their website. Also, shoutout to Zack for pointing this out.

Below is a screenshot from PSI’s page showing Dank Vapes’ King Louie test result. Results showed 65.15% total THC.

dank vapes king louie thc
Dank Vapes King Louie with 65% total THC.

Below shows the indication of a pesticide-free concentrate.

dank vapes no foreign material test result
Test results showed no foreign materials, pests, mold or fungus for Dank Vapes.

Dark Hawk Pesticides and Strength Test – FAIL

Dark Hawk lab results show that it is pretty weak at 70.66% THC. It also failed for 2 different pesticides. We have here a picture of Dark Hawk.

Dark Hawk Lab Results

Here we can see the lab results for Dark Hawk – Ice Cream.

Dark Hawk Lab Results

Dark Hawk Lab Results

Delta 9 Pesticides and Residual Solvents Test – previous FAIL / Deltamax 2.0 PASS

Delta 9’s vape cartridges came in pretty strong at 76.5%. However, they failed for 5 different pesticides. Below is a picture of what a Delta 9 vape cartridge looks like.

delta 9 vape cartridges
Cartridges from Delta 9 may be riding dirty.

Below are the strength and residual solvents test. Delta 9 passed the residual solvents test.

delta 9 strength and residual solvents test
Delta 9 THC cartridges have pretty good strength.

Pesticides are shown below for Delta 9 in the test results.

delta 9 pesticides test
Failing for 5 pesticides is not a good look for Delta 9.

Deltamax 2.0 Pesticides Test – PASS

Deltamax 2.0 lab result

We have here the Deltamax 2.0 – Strawberry AK passing the pesticide test. This is expected as per @dojaapp since its coming from a fully licensed dispensary in CA.

DynaPuff Pesticides Test – FAIL

Dyna Puff Tangerine Dream Cartridge
Dyna Puff Tangerine Dream

DynaPuff came in dirty for a wide range of pesticides in their test. See below.

dynapuff pesticides test
DynaPuff tests dirty for pesticides.

The strength test for DynaPuff was very surprising. It came in super weak with a 16% cannabinoid profile.

dynapuff strength test
DynaPuff is one of the weakest vape carts out there.

Eden Extracts Carts Pesticides Test – PASS

On our recent review on Eden Extracts we’ve discussed how Eden stands out from the crowd in so many ways. From its incredibly high-quality distillate and amazingly good in-house designed cartridges. Below, you’ll see the test result for Eden Extracts.
Eden extract packaging
Eden came out strong and clean as shown on the test results below. It’s great they are keeping everything clean and the strength is the same as it says on the packaging.
Eden Extracts Test result

Exotic Carts Pesticides Test – FAIL, Additional Result FAIL

Exotic Carts testing result is out. One of the most popular vape cartridges right now and widely pirated. Tested positive for 13 pesticides under Category 1&2. A cartridge with this much contaminants, would you still try it?

exotic carts
Has widespread availability but you might want to avoid this brand as much as possible.

Here’s the pesticides test results of Exotic Carts. As datdude41510 mentioned, a THC profile wouldn’t matter for a stuff that pops out at least 13 different pesticides and fungicides.

exotic carts contaminated
Exotic Carts is highly contaminated as shown in this result.
exotic cart black market street cart
As expected of a black market/street cart, it tested positive of pesticides.

Flavorz Pesticide Test – FAIL

flavorz pesticide test
This particular packaging was purchased at semi-legit but not BCC licensed shop in CA.
flavorz pesticide test
As shown by @TheDojoApp, Flavorz has failed in their lab results.
flavorz pesticide test
Flavorz results show lead, which causes developmental delays, abdominal pain, neurologic changes and irritability.

Flavorz lab results show very negative here, displaying for 16 pesticides and lead over the La legal limit.

FlavRx Pesticides Test – FAIL, Additional Result FAIL

FlavRx came out with weak and dirty cartridges. It comes in at less than 60% THC. No extra charge for the pesticides. It should be noted that FlavRx also has cartridges in Nevada, and there if it tests dirty they don’t sell. So it might still be safe to vape in NV.

Update: We have here another lab result from their old packaging. This one is for the Gorilla Glue. Unfortunately, this one also failed for pesticides test. It shows that it contains 3 pesticides that are over the CA legal limit. Below is the lab result.

FlavRX Lab ResultUpdate: FlavRx has recently rebranded to Flav. Check out our Flav cartridge review for more information.

Flight Farms Pesticides Test – Pass

Datdute41510 tested this and came out clean. When the actual test shot is available we will post it as well.

flight farms pesticides test
Flight Farms came back clean and strong.

At 81% cannabinoids, Flight Farms came in strong and clean.

Friendly Farms Residual Solvent Test – PASS

Here we have a lab result for Friendly Farms that shows it passed the Residual Solvent test. The only thing that bothers us is that it contains 2066.67 ppm of n-ButaneIts still within CA legal limit of 5000 ppm per gram but still, this is somewhat alarming.

See the lab result below:

Friendly Farms lab resultHeavy Hitters Pesticides Test  – FAIL, Additional Result PASS

Heavy Hitters came in fairly strong at 71% THC. Pesticides not looking good though. The test is of the Girl Scout Cookies strain vape cart.

heavy hitters pesticides test
At least Heavy Hitters has some strength.

Another disappointment as HH is pretty strong and seemed like a good value. See our in-depth Heavy Hitters review for more info.

Adding to this another product from Heavy Hitters was tested, it is the Sky Walker OG and the bad news is, the pesticide test failed. Although it has a good amount of THC on it Heavy Hitters should make it safe as well. You may check the results below.

Sky Walker OG

Below is the disappointing result of the most recent pesticides and solvents test. Heavy Hitters fails again.


We have another addition of one most recent pesticide test for HH. This time they got a PASS for the Northern Lights – Indica strain. Hopefully, this will continue with their coming products.

HH Northern Lights lab result

Heliosphere Solutions Heavy Metal Test – PASS

Here we have a Heavy Metal Test result for the Heliosphere Solution – Sour Tsunami Glass. They’re one of the promising brands to look for this 2020. Check the result here:

Heliosphere Solutions lab result

Himalaya Pesticides Test – Pass

Himalaya has a wide variety of cartridges from different strains, to name a few they are the Strawberry Cough and Super Silver Haze from the Sativa strain. Below you will see the THC and Pesticide tests of the two featured cartridges.

Strawberry Cough
Super Silver Haze

You can check the test for your self to prove that the cartridges are made safe and has enough strength.

Himalaya Rattlesnake Diesel Pesticides Test- Pass

Himalaya Vapor Pesticides test
Himalaya vapor packaging

Himilaya is a small batch company reigning from norcal, creating strain specific, clean meds at affordable prices. Previously we had a test result of Himalaya Vapor and it came out clean. Again, Himalaya has proven itself and still came out clean through all the tests made.

Himalaya Vapor Pesticides test
Test result for Himalaya vapor showing how clean it is

Results show active cannabinoids with  THC: 78.2% CBG: 2.2%, CBC .8%, CBD .28%. Also it’s tank construction is made out of glass and ceramic manufactured by ikrusher . This oil is some of the best you’ll ever try. This Company uses cannabis derived only terpenes, and zero terpene diluents or solvents. They source norcal outdoor flower, and extract it themselves, and refine it for a cartridge.

Honey Cut Pesticides Test- PASS

Honey cut pesticides test
Honey cut oil

40% distillate? there’s an official COA on this bullshit from belcostalabs now. but have all the compounds found in this diluting agent been tested for what they may turn into when heated?

Honey cut pesticides test
COA for honey cut

Cartridges put out temperatures of over 350 degrees Fahrenheit. That intense blast of heat can change the chemical structure of some compounds. such as a common pesticide: myclobutanil that turns into hydrogen cyanide when burned.
so thehoneycut where’s the ingredients list?

HoneyVape Pesticides Test – Pass

Still looking for the original test and will add when available.

HoneyVape pesticides test
HoneyVape consistently comes up clean.

Hitone Pesticides Test – FAIL

Hitone is a brand out of the L.A. area.

hitone pesticides test
Hitone is riding dirty folks.

Besides failing the pesticides test, the oil is not super weak at 63% THC.

Ignite Sunset Sherbet Cartridge Pesticides Test – PASS

Ignite Cannabis Co. makes cartridges, nugs and pre rolls. Their Sunset Sherbet vape cart has been tested and came out clean of pesticides. However, we are unable to show its cannabinoid profile and residual solvent results.

ignite cannabis cartridge
Ignite Cannabis Co. – Sunset Sherbet Cartridge

The test results below show Ignite’s Sunset Sherbet is totally clean from pesticides.

ignite sunset sherbet vape cart
Ignite’s Sunset Sherbet vape cart is pesticides free.

Interstate 710 Pesticides Test – PASS

One of the few to pass! THC not super strong, but I would take clean over strong any day.

interstate 710 pesticide test
Test reveals this vape cart’s oil is free from pesticides.

This brand might not be available everywhere, but they do come up clean.

Jetty Extracts Pesticides Test – PASS

Jetty Extracts comes away with some clean stuff that also is strong.

jetty extracts pesticides test
Jetty comes in clean and strong.

The THC content was advertised at 3% higher. However, this is a small enough variation within reason. Would like to try Jetty oil in a Stiiizy style setup.

Kingpen Pesticides and Heavy Metal Test – Current FAIL, Previous PASS

Kingpen claims that their oils are distilled 5 times to ensure that it passes tests. The lab results that we have here are for their Jack Herer strain, which is named after the renowned marijuana activist, Jack Herer. Combining a Haze hybrid with a Northern Lights #5 and Shiva Skunk cross, Sensi Seeds created Jack Herer hoping to capture both the cerebral elevation associated with sativas and the heavy resin production of indicas. Its rich genetic background gives rise to several different variations of Jack Herer, each phenotype bearing its own unique features and effects. However, consumers typically describe this 55% sativa hybrid as blissful, clear-headed, and creative.

Kingpen Jack Herer carts
Kingpen Jack Herer carts

As shown in the lab results below, KP Jack Herer passed for heavy metals. There were no issues with the THC profile coming at 82.075%. It was slightly higher than what the product claims, which is 70%.
King Pen Jack Herer Lab Results
King Pen Jack Herer Lab Results
The heavy metal testing shows all passed results.

King Pen Jack Herer Lab Results
King Pen Jack Herer Lab Results

Here we have the lab result for KP Super Lemon Haze and KP Gelato cartridge. These are black market cartridges that’s why we cannot test it for Pesticide and Heavy Metals. But if you will see the result, both of them has a Total THC that is not close to what they claim in the box.

King Pen Super Lemon Haze lab result

King Pen Gelato lab resultKorova Super Silver Haze – PASS

This test result came was shared to us by Korova. The test results show that Korova Super Silver Haze came off clean and strong. As you can see in the summary, Korova passed in all types of tests. It has a total cannabinoids of 91.95%. Total THC is 86.94% which is pretty strong.

To know more about this product, check out our review on Korova cartridges.

korova test results
Here’s a summary of the test.

Korova Super Silver Haze lab results

Korova Super Silver Haze lab results

Kurvana Vape Pesticides Test – Current FAIL, Previous PASS

So, this test result was pulled out from Kurvana’s website. The test lab results show it tested positive on cumene and o-xylene. As per Wikipedia, “The main effect of inhaling xylene vapor is depression of the central nervous system (CNS), with symptoms such as headache, dizziness, nausea and vomiting. At an exposure of 100 ppm, one may experience nausea or a headache. At an exposure between 200-500 ppm, symptoms can include feeling “high”, dizziness, weakness, irritability, vomiting, and slowed reaction time.”

kurvana test result
Test results showing levels of o-xylene and cumene
kurvana test result
Kurvana test result

Previously, Kurvana’s test results came off strong and clean. The test below was of the Blueberry strain vape cart.

kurvana pesticides test
Clean and pretty strong.


Kurvana’s ASCND line shows great promise. Coming with an impressively strong with 87.95% cannabis content. See the test results below.

kurvana ascnd
Strong content for this one
kurvana ascnd
Kurvana ASCND is pesticide free

See our full Kurvana vape review here.Should be noted that’s a review of the original Kurvana. Newer versions are supposed to be better.

LA Kush Pesticides Test – Previous PASS, Recently FAIL

LA Kush comes from the same makers of Flight Farms. Good strength at 79% and it passed clean for pesticides on the original test. New tests now show it coming up dirty.

LA Kush pesticides test
LA Kush makes clean and strong vape carts.

Below is the new test results for strength pesticides for LA Kush. It came out pretty weak for THC content, but it did pass for solvents.

LA Kush strength and residual solvents test
These cartridges are pretty weak at 48.5% THC.

Below is the pesticides test for LA Kush. This time it failed.

LA Kush pesticides test
Failing for pesticides, LA Kush goes to the dirty column.

Unfortunately, LA Kush went from a previous pass to a fail.

Lion Extracts Pesticides Test – FAIL

Lion Extracts will give you a good hit at 72% THC. But, never good when it gives you pesticides as well.

lion extracts thc vape cartridge cannabis
Lion Extracts failed with 4 pesticides.

Mario Carts Pesticides Test – Previous FAIL, Additional Result FAIL

A new product is added here and it is the Mario Carts Strawberry Pie. But sadly the pesticide test failed. And for the THC content, we will consider it as low at nearly 70%. To check it yourself here are the results below.

Looks simple… Mario Carts!

Here is the result of the pesticide test.

How sad for Mario…

THC content…well a bit low for the strength.

I thought Mario is Strong but looks a bit weak…

Well, let see if Mario Carts will improve their cartridges.

Mario Carts Skunk OG

Update: Here we have an additional lab result for Mario Carts Skunk OG. Not only that this one failed the pesticide test again, the result also shows that this one contains Lead that is 33 times the legal limit allowed by CA Law.

Mario Carts Skunk OG lab results

Health is always a choice. We don’t want to force you on what to smoke, we’re just here for you to be informed.

Mimosa Exotic Carts Pesticides Test – FAIL

Here we have a lab result for the exotic cart “Mimosa”. This cart tested positive for 9 pesticides of which 4 were over the CA legal limit.

Mimosa Exotic Cart lab result

Let’s see the breakdown of its lab result here:

Mimosa Exotic Cart lab result

You will see below all the types of pesticides found on the said sample of cart.

Mimosa Exotic Cart lab result

Mimosa Exotic Cart lab resultMKX Sunset Sherbet Cart Pesticides Test- FAIL

The Midknightxpress brand is not safe. As shown on the test on the second page by PSI Labs, this cart has failed it’s test. And the thing is they’ve been producing products since 2017.

Here’s the test result by PSI Labs which gives us proof and reason to stay away from this brand.

Moxie Pesticides Test – FAIL

This was surprising. Moxie is known for making exceptional quality extracts. Turns out they have pesticides in them, as Moxie failed the pesticides test. This is a California cart Luckily, we used a Nevada cartridge in our Moxie cartridge review. In NV they do batch testing, so Moxie is probably still safe over there.

Strength test for Moxie came out good with a 77% cannabinoid profile. Still would not hit it if its dirty though. They also should update their cartridge style.

moxie vape cartridge strength test
Strength is good for Moxie.

NUJ Premium Jack – PASS

The pesticide test was done on the Jack Herer strain of NUG. Fortunately, they passed the lab test. There were five tests done it total for this. NUG Premium Jack has a strength of 68.23% which is pretty good. It contains 64.78% THC. See the full test results below.
Premium Jack Herrer testing info

Premium Jack Herrer testing info
NUG provides full transparency on testing

Premium Jack Herrer testing info
Good thing that it also passed the test for solvents.
Premium Jack Herrer testing info
Another test that was done was for chemical residues. NUG passed on that area as well.
Premium Jack Herrer testing info
Go and check out our NUG Vape Cartridge review for more information on this brand and what we thought of it.

OCPharms Pesticide Test – FAIL

OCPharms fails for five pesticides and it’s strength is a joke. Not that much more THC than regular weed.

OCPharms pesticides test
I’ll take datdude41510’s word for it.

Here are the test results:

Ocpharms test results
Only 33.01% THC content for OCPharms
ocpharms pesticides test
OCPharms fails on a couple of chemicals here

Platinum Vape Pesticides Test – Fail Currently, Previous Fail

One of the most requested vapes to get tested. Platinum Vape Michigan lab test result is out. Sorry Platinum Vape users but your favorite has tested dirty.

Update: We have contacted Platinum Vape to see if they actually carry a VFire pod.

platinum vapes pv michigan lab test result
Lab results of Platinum Vape.

Below is PV’s pesticides analysis showing they are positive with contaminants.

pv platinum vape thc cannabis cartridge blackmarket
PV pesticides analysis.

Second round of test for Platinum Vape. This time Sour Apple and Fruit Punch varieties got tested. Big thanks to Herb & Legend for posting these results.

platinum vape michigan thc vape cartridge cannabis
Platinum Vape Sour Apple and Fruit Punch

These Platinum Vape cartridges were purchased from a licensed dispensary in Northern Michigan. Please below the lab results.

platinum vape michigan thc vape cartridge cannabis
Platinum Vape Fruit Punch lab result.

Platinum Vape positive with pesticides the second time around.

platinum vape michigan thc cartridge cannabis
Platinum Vape tested positive of pesticides.

Plug and Play Vape Pesticide Test – Pass

Plug and Play Fire OG

Plug and Play Vape pods had a good amount of THC at nearly 79%. You may want to check out our Plug and Play vape review. Below is the strength test.

THC strength was pretty good on the Plug and Play.

The second page shows that the Plug and Play OG is safe.

A clean result is nice to find.

PMO (Pure Michigan Oil) Pesticides Test – FAIL

Pure Michigan Oil vape cartridges have been around some time in 2018. They’re on the low end of THC strength based on the results below.

pmo pure michigan oil pesticides test
PMO has 47% THC strength.

Below test results show contamination of 2 pesticides.

pmo pure michigan oil pesticides test
Pure Michigan Oil tested positive with 2 pesticides.

Pop Carts Pesticides Test – FAIL

I have not encountered this cartridge and no one has requested for Pop Kart to get tested. Anyway, remember Pop Kart pops pesticides!



pop kart thc vape cartridge blackmarket cannabis
Pop Kart pops pesticides!
pop kart thc vape cartridge cannabis blackmarket
Pop Kart’s colorful packaging.

Potters Cannabis Co Pesticide Test – PASS

Potters Cannabis Co recently changed their formula to a stronger THC percentage. 80.3% is good! We will be updating our Potters cartridge review soon. The first page is the strength test.

potters cartridge strength test
Coming in strong.

The second page of the report shows the results of the pesticides test. Potters is clean.

potters cartridge pesticides test
Clean across the board.

The last page is the lab certifying the tests.

potters cartridge COA
Signed and approved, Potters cartridges are clean

Potters Cannabis Co comes through strong and clean.

Private Reserve Pesticides Test – FAIL

This Brass Knuckles look-alike tested positive for Myclobutanil which converts to Hydrogen Cyanide when heat is applied. Please beware! This is straight poison.

Private Reserve packaging

Here’s the lab result that shows other pesticides present in this cart:

Private Reserve lab result

Private Reserve lab result

Private Reserve lab resultRaw Garden Dosi Punch x Clementine Cartridge – PASS

Raw Garden released this Dosi Punch x Clementine creating a very interesting terpene profile which has a total Cannabinoids of 93.59%! Raw Garden also came out clean and free from pesticides.

This hits hard and has the perfect high in it, well that explains the 87.29% THC content, 4.8% CBG and terpenes totalling at 5.9%.

Raw Garden Lime Mojito Pesticide Test – PASS

Raw Garden Lime Mojito cartridge came strong  at 87.71 total active Cannabinoids  and  also free from pesticides which is great!

The second page shows the test results where Raw Garden Lime Mojito cartridge came out clean and free from pesticides. The test also shows the result of 80.65% of THC and 3.33% of THCV which is impressive.

Red Dragon Extracts Pesticides Test – FAIL

Red Dragon Extracts

The Red Dragon Extracts cartridges tested positive for 5 pesticides… 3 of which were ABOVE THE CA LEGAL LIMIT. Below are the test results.

Red Dragon Extracts pesticides test result

Red Dragon Extracts pesticides test resultRove Vape Pesticide Test – PASS

In our Rove cart review we found some strong, thick oil. Well turns out it really is strong and it is free from pesticides.

rove vape pesticies test
Rove comes in clean and strong.

The few, the proud, the clean. Rove is delivering quality and decent strength at 70% THC. In Addition to this a test was made with Rove Featured Farms and it is not a surprise that it is strong and safe.

ROVE featured farms

Below are the Pesticide test result.

Pesticide Test…SAFE!

And here is the THC content test…

Look how strong it is…

Savage Sticks Pesticides Test – FAIL

Savage Sticks Wedding Cake and God’s Gift varieties lab results are out. Both popped pesticides.

savage sticks wedding cake pesticides test
Savage Sticks Wedding Cake with 66% THC
savage sticks wedding cake pesticide test
Wedding Cake tested positive of 4 pesticides.
savage sticks god's gift pesticides test
This got 69% THC.

Savage Sticks Gods Gift tested positive with Myclobutanil – 20x more than the limit set by Licensing and Regulatory Affairs.

savage sticks god's gift pesticide test
Savage Sticks God’s Gift tested positive with Myclobutanil.

Select Oil Pesticides Test- PASS

Select oil pestixides test
Select Oil comes out clean.

See our Select Oil vape review. The Select Elite cartridge was used in this test and it came out clean. Strength was decent too.

In addition to this, another product from Select Elite cartridge has taken the test and passed, it is the Select Elite Island Sweet Skunk. Below you will see the results of the test for pesticides and thc content of this said cartridge.

Select Elite Island Sweet Skunk

The test for pesticides came out that it is safe to use.

Pesticides test…Pass!

And for the THC content… You will not regret it, it has a very good amount in it.

At 86% THC content, you will love this…

Sure thing that the Select Elite cartridges are doing good.

space vape test result
These cartridges came to be strong, having a high THC level percentage.

Solace Pesticides Test – FAIL

Here we have a lab test result for Solace cartridges. It tested positive for 5 pesticides but only 1 came in over the CA legal limit. Stay healthy and remember that your health is always a choice!

Solace lab result

Lab result shows that it contains Bifenazate – this is sold under the name Floramite used to control mites. In our industry, it’s commonly used to control spider mites.

Solace lab result

Solace lab resultSpace Vape Test – PASS

space vape cartridge
Space Vape

As shown below. Space Vape came out at with a positive test. Passing with 91% THC as well as being pesticide free.

space vape test results
These cartridges came out to be very strong and potent.

Stiiizy Pesticides Test – Previous PASS, Now FAIL For Benzene

Stiiizys are now riding dirty
Stiiizy Premium THC Pods

The latest Stiiizy test failed for Benzene, which is a solvent. See the below results.

That’s pretty disappointing. Stiiizy seemed like a really good product.

stiiizy strength test
Stiiizy did not come out super strong. Maybe its strength is in the vape tech.

This vape might be more about its delivery system than the strength of its oil, but it does hit stronger than anything else we have tried as far as prefilled THC carts go.

stiiizy pesticides test
Clean as a whistle. Sure does taste clean.

Stiiizy does pretty well and out of the box hits very strong. See our full Stiiizy review for more information.

Suicide Girls Pesticides Test – FAIL

Suicide girls peticides test
Suicide Girls are getting dirty on pesticides.

Pretty strong at 70% THC, but it does not make up for the pesticides in it.

Supernova Pesticides and Heavy Metal Test – Current PASS, Previous PASS

Here we have the lab result for Supernova – Maui Wowie strain. It passed both categories of pesticide and heavy metal testing.

Supernova lab result

We now have here the lab result for Supernova – Green Apple OG. It tested positive for 2 pesticides. Even though they’re not carcinogenic, they should still not be having them on their carts.

Supernova Green Apple OG lab result

Below shows the lab result for Supernova – Peach Dream. This one passed the pesticide test unlike the previous one. We hope that they stay consistent with what they do on their products.

Supernova Peach Dream Lab Result

Supernova Peach Dream Lab Result

We have another lab result entry here for Supernova – Dosi Mango. This also shows that Supernova is already being consistent with what they do since this one also passed the pesticide test.

Supernova Dosi Mango lab result

Supernova Dosi Mango lab result

Updated 01/27/2020: Here’s another addition to Supernova’s consistent performance on passing the pesticide test. We have here a lab result for Supernova – Mandarin Cookies.

Supernova Mandarin Cookies lab result

Supernova Mandarin Cookies lab resultSupreme G Extracts Lab Test – Current PASS, Previous FAIL

The latest lab test results for Supreme now passed this time around. The tests show no pesticides, all pure THC content. See the updated test results below.

supreme gextracts test results
Supreme G extracts passed lab test results
supreme gextracts test results
Here is another test result using another sample
supreme gextracts test results
Supreme has turned things around this time

It was bad that Supreme G Extracts were called out before for faking test results. Hopefully, this is now a chance for them to redeem themselves.

Below are the fake lab results that Supreme G Extracts posted this lab result. The reason why we tagged them as FAIL the last time. supreme g extracts thc cartridge lab result california

Supreme G Extracts posted this lab result. It’s fake so we tagged this result as FAIL.DatDude4510 – “So supreme posted some test results from Steep hill showing that they have clean product. Here’s the problem when contacted not only did Steep hill say the batch #’s were invalid, they went on to state that they’ve never tested supreme.”

Supreme G Extracts Lab Test – Current PASS, Previous Pass

This is the current lab test for  Supreme. Again, the tests show no pesticides, all pure THC content. See the updated test results below.

Supreme G pesticide test

test shows that they still keep everything cleanHere’s the Concentrate:

Supreme G pesticides test

It’s a good thing that they keep everything clean. We hope that they keep up the good work and for those who want to know more about their carts, you can check out our review here.

Supreme Hybrid Pesticides Test – FAIL

Supreme brand may sound interesting but for its cartridge the Supreme Hybrid there is a different story. A test was conducted and the result is not good for the safety of the consumers. Below you can see the test results.

Check this out this is the Pesticides test.


For the THC content, let’s say that it needs some improvements.


Let us hope that Supreme will improve its cartridge.

THClear Vape Pesticides Test – FAIL

THClear pesticides test
Not out of the clear on pesticides.

Strength is OK, pesticides are not OK.

The Clear Pesticides and Residual Solvents Test – PASS

The Clear with their Classic Variety in Golden Goat flavor cleared on any pesticides. Only problem is it might not be strong enough to a regular user with sub 50% Total Cannabinoids. Check out the product below.

the clear classic golden goat
The Clear Classic – Golden Goat flavor

Below is the strength and residual solvents test. The Clear with 48.9% total.

the clear classic golden goat
The Clear with sub 50% total.

The Clear cleared on pesticides. See results below.

the clear pesticides test
The Clear came out clean of pesticides.

The Clear came out clean without any trace of Category 1 & 2 pesticides but might be too weak for regular users. I’d say to each his own as some want to last the whole day vaping while some choose to puff with instant big hits.

The House Brand Pesticides Test – FAIL

This vape pen called “The House Brand” failed the pesticide test. This is another Myclo-infused pen. It tested positive for 5 pesticides and FAILED for MYCLOBUTANIL. By now, we should all know and be aware that when heated it converts to Hydrogen Cyanide.The House Brand packaging See below the lab results:

The House Brand lab result

The House Brand lab resultTreebase Klear Pesticides Test – FAIL

treebase pesticides test
Pretty dirty but strength OK.

Strength not too bad at 62% THC. Dirty on the pesticides.

VVS Vape Pen Pesticides Test – FAIL

vvs vape pens pesticides test
Sad results on pesticides but it is strong.

VVS does come in with some really strong THC. The delivery system of its dispoable battery is what made it seem so weak in our VVS vape pen review. 83% THC is the highest on this list.

Waky Willy Pesticide Test – FAIL

waky willy cartridge lab test
The results show to have a really low percentage of THC.
waky willy cartridge lab test
Waky Willy cartridge showing negative results and present pesticides

Waky Wily Sunset Sherbert tested negative, with a low of 59% THC and with 4 different pesticides.

WVapes Pesticides Test – FAIL

wvapes strength test
Decent strength.

Strength is decent for WVapes. Below is the pesticide test.

wvapes pesticides test
Riding dirty on four items.

Being pesticide-free is more important than being strong, but dirty is dirty.

Meet The Clean Team

The following cartridges came out clean in alphabetical order:

Bloom Farms, Brass Knuckles, Flight Farms, HoneyVape,  Interstate 710, Jetty Extracts, Kurvana, Potter’s Cannabis Co., Raw Garden, Rove, Select Oil, Space Vape, Supernova, Supreme G, The Clear and Rove.

Cartridges that were clean and then later tested dirty:

Kurvana Vape, LA Kush, Stiiizy

These are California cartridges that were tested. States with strict testing laws may not have these same issues. These tests are from random cartridges by the above brands and it does not mean all their cartridges are dirty or all the above are clean. If you have any additional testing data you would like to submit, please post on our forum!


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