People are trying to figure out the Lime vs Bird question. Which service is better and who makes a better scooter? The answer is not so simple. Lime shines in some areas and Bird in others. In this Lime vs Bird rundown we will go through benefits of each, as told by someone who has ridden both quite a bit.
UPDATE 5/2/2019: Bird has now increased per minute costs everywhere. Where we use them they have gone from 15c/minute to 29c/minute. Additionally, Lime support has now gotten better and will issue refunds with a one star rating and valid complaint. Lime is now substantially better than Bird.
Lime vs. Bird: Is there really even a difference?First glance at either scooter and they look about the same. Second glance why are we talking about scooters on a marijuana concentrate related site. Well, these things are fun to ride and safer than driving for some of us, but we do not condone any intoxicated use of any mode of transportation. Plus they are an easy way to get to a dispensary. Electric scooters can be dangerous if you are not careful. If you are experienced at riding GoPeds and skateboards, you will have a huge advantage on riding these and might go a lil cray cray hopping up curbs and such. If you do not, ride really slow and get used to it.

Everyone that has heard of Lime has heard of Bird. Everyone that has heard of Bird has heard of Lime. They are competing in the same cities. Lime offers bikes and scooters on the same app, while Bird offers only scooters. Lime seems to have more available scooters per mile. These are based on observations, riding, and finding scooters in the San Jose and San Diego areas of California.
Build Quality: Bird is the word
Something about the build of the Bird is better. It has a smoother ride, feels nicer to the touch, and overall seems like a better built scooter. The Lime scooter has a rougher ride, but it might not be that noticeable to the average scooter rider. If you are familiar with GoPeds, the Lime scooter reminds of a smoother riding GoPed Sport, and the Bird feels similar, but even slightly smoother than the Lime.

Application: Bird had errors and support sucked
There was an error effecting an entire area where the Birds showed as damaged. Bird after Bird I scanned in the heat only to be dissapointed again. When I contact support, they state I am unlucky and found damaged ones. Sweating I reply there is no way 10 Birds are bad, and no response. Luckily, I pulled up the Lime app, found a scooter, and was good to go.
The Lime app so far has had no issues, and thus I have not needed to speak with their support. Bird support was awful, and the app issue is what led me to deal with their support.
Lime vs Bird Battery Range: Seems about the same
The mileage range on both Bird and Lime seems about the same. There are an equal ratio of full and not full batteries scooters when looking around.
Availability: It’s Lime time
Lime has way more availability (at least in San Jose and San Diego). Birds are harder to come by. I hope bird increases its availability in the future.

Being able to pop the app open and have it work every time is a huge plus. So far no big issues with the Lime app at all.
Side Note: Lime bikes not that fun, but are available
Lime bikes are not that fun, because you have to peddle to keep the electric going. They also have non electric bikes as well. I would prefer to ride a regular mountain bike over either of these offerings.

You want that zoom go pull the throttle with no effort fun, and Lime bike does not deliver that. The benefit of Lime bike is if you cannot find a scooter, you can still find something to get you back.
Below is a comparison of the two done by the UCLA Bruin that covers where they will be in Los Angeles, California.

The UCLA info graphic forgets to mention one important factor: the build quality and ride of the scooters themselves, and Bird wind on that.
Lime vs Bird Final Verdict: For now it’s Lime time, but if there is a fine working Bird, I go with Bird
Bird uses a better scooter, but Lime has always worked. Lime is also more widely available and you have the boring backup bikes if needed. If one winner must be selected for Lime vs Bird, it’s Lime. I did not contact their support but did not have to, everything worked. If a Lime and Bird were parked side by side with equal ranges and the app working perfectly, I’d opt for the Bird and the smoother ride. If my phone was on its last bits of power and only has enough power for one attempt, I would go Lime.
Which do you prefer? Anyone had Lime customer or Bird support experience? How was it?
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