Today I got a Dugout from the company RYOT. PLAYBOY by RYOT came in quality packaging that kept it in perfect condition. The paper/card packaging was easy to get into without needing any tools.
Recommendations: Some improvements to the tip would be great.
The magnetic lock on the top was nice. It was almost an auto close, to help from spilling your flower. I like how the one-hitter popped out when I opened the lid, what fun! The built-in poker is amazing and makes me wish I could send this product back in time to a younger me long ago. The playboy bunny would even fit right into the time, I love it! The only thing to be aware of is that you have to pull softly, or you WILL get a mouth full of stuff. Also, be careful of the tip, it gets very very hot! Today would I buy myself this sort of product? Most likely not, because vape pens are cleaner and easier. That said, it would make a great gift for middle-aged folks who still smoke, it is quality and light, and nostalgic. Get dad one for the holidays now and watch his face light up!
In our day, vape pen has replaced items like this. It’s a little sad now that I think of it, so get your dad a Dugout by RYOT and let him remember back in the day and maybe he’ll let you share too. This lightweight item is easy to slip into your pocket on the go. Great way to keep a small stash for sneaking away quickly during the upcoming holidays.
That tip gets hot, maybe make it red to let folks take notice. Also, maybe a lock washer to keep the tip from coming loose as mine did as we all (about 5 of us) took a hit.
I think the biggest seller to me is the overall quality and magnetic force they incorporated into the smooth design. The classic Play Boy Bunny, how fun! The one-hitter is cool to the touch as it’s also made of wood. Just make sure not to let it burn you as it gets very hot indeed! One of my friends burnt herself not realizing how hot it gets. Once we all discussed that and the tip getting loose it was smooth sailing for the rest of our day.
PLAYBOY by RYOT has truly sent me a high-quality product today. I think a few minor tweaks to the design will make it perfect. Make the tip red and with a tiny bit smaller hole so you don’t get a mouth full of ash. Add a lock washer to the easily unscrewed metal tip so that it doesn’t get lost while on the go, and yes please, I’ll take 10 more. Keep the poker as it is, so easy to pull out and put back. The Auto close to prevent you from spilling your flower, is amazing, love it, more, please. I’m going to go over to RYOT site right now and see what other lovely products they have now.
[EDITOR’S NOTE] See also Penguin Pete’s take on RYOT Playboy-branded toking gear.
You can find out more about RYOT here.
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