Select Elite Live Review – A Better Tasting Select, Slightly Less...
We review Select Elite Live Resin cartridges, in the context of your average California dispensary stop. We find them pretty average, but tasty.
Smart Carts Vapes Are For Dummies : An Update
Smart Carts are an ironically-named brand of THC cartridges that we covered here at Dab Connection way back before your humble author joined the...
Srene Review – Very Strong Carts, Huge Improvement
Once again, we try out Srene, a THC cartridge brand we've reviewed twice before and seen steady improvement. Is the third time a charm?
Sky High Originals Is An Obscure Street Brand
Sky High Originals seems to be the rare case of a street brand that hasn't been counterfeited yet. Look well, it doesn't happen often.
Saucey Farms Cart Review: A New Contender
Saucey Farms & Extracts is a company based in California which strives to provide top quality cannabis products of all kinds. They began operation...
Sauce Extracts, Banks Extracts, and Cash Carts Are Black Market Carts
$auce Extracts, Bank$ Extracts, and Ca$h Carts are all a family of fake brands with mystery oil. The only thing consistent is the stupid "$."
Select Elite vs Brass Knuckles – Best Strength, Effect and Value...
Two of the most popular brands of vape cartridges are Select Elite and Brass Knuckles. We puff both to see which comes out ahead.
Star Carts Are A Fake Brand Based on Star Wars
Star Wars vape cartridges have been spotted in the wild. They are obviously a fake brand, and an extremely bold violation of copyright to boot.
Shazzam Farms Live Resin Review: Delightfully Dank
A review on Shazzam Farms live resin. See why these extracts are some of California's best.
Springfield Farms Carts Are Unregulated, Unpredictable
Springfield Farms is just another type of packaging. Here we check out the "brand" and see why you might want to avoid them, unless you have a good plug.
South Carts Vape Cartridges Are Spreading
More fake cartridges exposed. South Cart cartridges are finding their way across the country and you should know what you are getting.
Straight Fire Disposable Oil Pen Review: Quality Hits, Amazing Taste
Straight Fire disposable dab pens revealed to be strong, tasteful and potent. We liked almost everything about this dab pen. But the only thing is that there is no background or lab results to them.
SteamCloud Micro Review: Great on Clones
The SteamCloud Micro battery worked exceptionally well on a popular CCELL clone and was decent, but not great on real CCELLs.
Super G Cartridge Review : Amazing Taste, Smooth Hits
Super G cartridges, formerly known as Supreme Gs, are both made by the same company of Super G Pods. Although the oil quality and the taste was amazing, the only con we found was the cartridge itself. The cartridge prevented thick smoke and stronger hits. Regardless, the cartridge is definitely recommended to anyone looking for mellow hits.
SPRK Cartridge Review: Awesome Flavor, Quality Build
Here we review the SPRK cartridge by PCKT Vapor. This thing turned out to be a great piece of vape hardware for THC oils.
SteamCloud EVOD Review: Lasts Long
Review of the SteamCloud EVOD battery by NY Vape Shop. Battery lasts long and hits were pretty good.
Select Elite Weekender Review: Strong and Discreet
Select Elite Weekender is expensive and airflow is a little bit restricted, but the oil quality is excellent and the effects are very strong.
Smart Cart Review : Discontinued Previous Cartridge Packaging
Smart Cart is an authentic company with legit lab result tests. After picking up one of these cartridges, we noticed it was a fake Smart Cart. Moments after trying it ourselves, we did not like it one bit. Because it was inauthentic, we despised it so much to the point we had to dispose of it.